Jobs typically require an application or some kind of approach to an employer or receiving of an approach from an employer or recruiter. Promotions sometimes have similar requirements. Heavenly standing has become, by Jesus Christ, like a promotion for which you need to apply having received an approach. The approach is the gospel message from Heaven. The application is faith in Jesus Christ and identification with Jesus Christ through baptism into Jesus’ name and teachings, like enrolment into discipleship to Jesus, Lord and Saviour. This unites a person with Jesus. This in turn confers a share in the same heavenly status Jesus has, with angels as servants. No longer are angels beings only to be feared and worshipped as gods. They are servants to administer to those united with Jesus. The systems of traditions of civilisation revolved around beliefs that angelic spirits were lords over humans, requiring priesthoods and shamans as mediators with humans and sacrificial subservience by humans lest crops fail and wars be lost and potential partners be lost to rivals. Now the One Topmost God who is Father and God of the Lord Jesus Christ is alone the God to be worshipped in awe and homage and angels merely provide administration of the things God sends to His own who belong to Jesus, the one Lord over all God’s house.