
Saturday, 11 December 2021

Unreasonable Science today

If laws of Nature exist now, they must have had existence originally. Chance cannot do anything without those laws. Gravity and chance alone could not result in the eventual existence of complex living things. Another factor must have existed from the beginning to result in life existing today. The one we know as God accounts for life existing. God accounts for life existing better than gravity and chance alone. Denial of this is unreasonable. For Science to be reasonable it must have a better explanation before it can discount God as explanation. Otherwise scientists are basing their explanations on subjective feelings and not on reason. If Science today requires that we discount God in favour of gravity and chance as explanations for life existing then Science itself is not reasonable today. Maybe one day Science will correct this flaw. Science as it exists today is unreasonable because it is unreasonable to insist on material substance being the only thing that exists, when you consider that life exists. Matter alone cannot account for life. Therefore if Science insists matter alone accounts for life, Science is unreasonable and therefore flawed, in its present state. The existence of living things requires the existence of information. Storing information requires information. So information must start with a finite amount and therefore a finite storage system. Information therefore must have existed from the beginning and to have been stored. The existence of the being we call God would account for this. The existence of God is a better explanation than current mainstream Science is offering. There needs to have been some impetus for information to be stored and to grow, from the beginning, to account for complex life existing today. For the process to be put into motion which results in life, it would require knowledge of what information is worth storing that could eventually produce an information storing, information requiring system, which could eventually become complex life. Only a highly complex living being could have such knowledge. A being with foresight and very great wisdom. (Credit to my medical physicist friend, Dr Paul M, for help with thinking this through, also writer Mathematician John C Lennox for thoughts on information and complex life.)