In holding to the teachings of Jesus Christ, at some point it becomes necessary to accept the miraculous side of Jesus’ teachings. It is part of discipleship to do an equivalent of walking on water, exercising miraculous faith in God. Then things starts to get very real. Words alone do not change the surroundings but words of faith inspired to faith by Jesus’ words, this does affect the natural world in which God has placed us. Let faith in God take discipleship up a level. Jesus Christ taught all this. The results can provide a basis for belief in Jesus continuing throughout life. Then incorporating such faith into daily work too affects outcomes and increases wealth according to God’s will in service to God according to the Master Jesus. This can really increase what God provides, and the outcome is that of being a faithful steward. Service in worldly wealth services is rewarded with spiritual service and greater responsibility. Being faithful with worldly wealth leads to being faithful in spiritual things. It is quite a career in itself to follow Jesus: Not a church worker career like a hired hand; a voluntary whole life commitment that never stops.