Heaven is both a place and a system. It is a seat of power. Heaven is a literal location and it is the power system which is run from that place. The supreme Ruler of that system we call God. Yet there is a central way in which the will of this God holds sway. It is way of enforcing honesty, humility, right-doing, run ultimately by God but including the Lord Jesus, the righteous holy angels, the saints, the Holy Spirit and all who adhere to their ways. So collectively this way is called Heaven. Jesus interchangeably spoke of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Heaven. Both are pretty much the same thing. God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Not everyone who is located in Heaven adheres to this way of Heaven. Satan and the like have sometimes been found there trying to exert a different kind of influence but it does not represent Heaven the way God’s will represents it. Entering into this kingdom of Heaven does not mean the place so much as the way of doing things found in overall control in this place. Taking Jesus’ yoke upon us brings us ultimately into conformance to the highest ways of Heaven, those ways ultimately represented by God Himself.