The angels, gods, created creation in the beginning, and have God as their king, responsible overall. It is this king who is God. Maybe some can realise the one at the top should be acknowledged above all. The Lord Jesus Christ is His unique begotten Son, conceived of the Holy Spirit. This Jesus is the one crucified who God raised from the dead. Who better to serve and worship and look to than the one God who raised Jesus and made Jesus lord over all, including over all the angels, the gods. Angels can be overcome but God who can overcome all others can never be overcome. Who better to worship. He commands that idolatry cease and that no god be put first over Himself, before Himself when we come to Him as our one true God. The crucified Son, Lord Jesus is alive and very much the same as when the gospels were written of him and will be so forever. His crucifixion death provides for the debt of our sins. Holding to Jesus’ teachings, with belief in Him, alive forever from the dead, leads to cleansing from the sinful behaviour, the kinds of behaviour that will be the death of many who do not believe. We need to stop such behaviour in order to be saved from the destruction that will come at the final judgement when living and dead will all be judged through Jesus.