We might find forgiveness but we should not think anything can make what we do be as if it was never done. Even heavenly forgiveness does not erase what was done. If, for example, we go away and torture someone for what they owe us, having ourselves just found forgiveness, that forgiveness can be undone. Nothing erases the past. What was done was done. The best we can hope for, if we turn from the wrong doing and learn to do right, is to have our misdeeds corrected for future well doing and right living, while the blood of Jesus is there to cover the past misdeeds with mercy. But the misdeeds are still there done. No longer held against, when we find forgiveness, but still there in the past. We need to become changed people to find a way past judgement day. Even death is only a temporary delay to judgement day. Jesus offers hope, if we believe in Him and hold to His teachings. He fully knows what judgement day will entail and how to save us as we hold to His powerful words of life. His death and resurrection are part of the plan of God to help us. But if we die in our sins, that day brings no hope. Only if we believe who Jesus is and keep Jesus’ sayings and teachings faithfully given us in Jesus’ name full of Jesus’ truth can we hope to be free of the wrong doings now that allow hope in that terrible day. So go easy on those who wrong you. You do not want God to go looking up in His books what you yourself have done and change His mind about having forgiven you.