
Tuesday, 21 December 2021

The ultimate victory

 God, together with the Christ sent by God, defeated Rome and its gods. The gods worshipped by Ancient Rome, though powerful when invoked, were unable to prevent God raising Jesus Christ from the dead after Rome under its gods crucified Jesus. God showed that He is king above all gods. Now the worship of gods of ancient Romans is in so many countries gone. Now God who is king above them, God the Father, can be known and prayed to and worshipped. Even if not everyone knows God, king above all gods, there is scope and an open chance to know Him and live in service to Him. Centuries earlier the Israelite people had been formed in another similar victory showing that this same God is king above even the gods of Egypt. Coming out of Egypt was not easy for Moses and his people. Gods were invoked against them by Egyptian shamanic magicians. The magicians had huge power by invoking the spirits who were gods to Ancient Egypt who had power even to create life. The gods empowering the priests were real. Are still real. One particular god worshipped by some of the Ancient Egyptians was Seth. He was possibly the same being the Israelites and later their Jewish descendants called Satan. Many characteristics of Seth recorded by Ancient Egypt also apply to characteristics associated with Satan. These gods, these beings, do not cease to exist just because their worship dies out. Some of these gods had even been involved in historic events behind the creating of the Natural world we see today. During the Exodus the One True God above all gods overcame all the gods invoked by those powerful Egyptian shamanic priests and magicians and God sent plagues that even those powerful priests and the gods of creation could not stop. The gods did enable those magicians to mimic some of the plagues but they could not end them. Eventually after the tenth plague, it proved too much and the Pharaoh gave in and let Moses lead out the Israelites, out of his clutches as their overall slave master. Whether Seth was one of the gods or angels invoked by the magicians is not recorded in the Bible scriptures, but centuries later the same or similar being Satan is recorded in the gospels as having sought to cut across the path of obedience of Jesus Christ and was instrumental in the betrayal which led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus said that the betrayal was Satan’s hour. Yet the refusal of Jesus to disobey God or let God down was a beginning of this god of the age, Satan’s defeat. The crucifixion provided for your sins and mine, when we believe and let it turn our consciences away from sin, purifying our consciences. Then the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by God completed this victory over Satan and showed the ultimate power over all gods does indeed belong to God and to His Son, showing Jesus Christ to be the Lord over all, made lord over all by this One True God.