
Saturday, 4 December 2021

Life and its origins

 Life requires information for life to exist in the universe. Life stores information. For life to have formed during the development of the universe it would have to start with an infinitesimal supply of information, then something happen to store that information in a way contrary to entropy and in a direction towards something living. Some force would have to have existed to cause that information to keep growing and keep pushing the information store towards life. That force would have to exist through all time of the universe developing. As the information storage capacity is caused to grow so the information stored in it grows. There would need to be a driver towards this, a driver which existed from the start. The force would either push information storage towards life in the future or pull it from the future or both. “In the beginning was the Word ... In Him was life and that life was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not comprehended it” (John, chapter 1)