Since the spirit of prophecy can foresee the distant future, then by spiritual power a person can speak to people in the distant past, because they, the people in the distant past, can be made by the spirit of prophecy, to foresee what that person is saying, in the distant future, to them. Then in that spirit of prophecy they can write scriptures which can be later read by that person and to fellows of that person. This might be how the Son of Man interacted with Enoch and how the Parables in the Book of Enoch were written. Enoch was taken up to heaven to that Son of Man and to God. That could be again a phenomenon of the spiritual power of Jesus to effectively have an existence by such spiritual influence in the distant past. It also might explain the ‘existence’ of Jesus before that holy conception in Mary. Jude and Peter in their epistles seem to show this kind of thinking in their influence from the risen Jesus and their knowledge of the Book of Enoch.