Baptism holds profound significance within a community of believers, as it represents a conscious commitment to follow Jesus. A church, comprised of individuals who willingly undergo baptism, becomes a valuable asset in earnestly seeking to align with God's will and adhere to His commands. The essence lies in the collective dedication of each believer who, of their own accord, commits to this spiritual journey. It is not a mere ritual performed on their behalf, but a personal commitment undertaken by each individual.
However, the efficacy of this shared commitment hinges on the unwavering unity and truthfulness among the believers. Doubt and a lack of transparency can jeopardize the collective pursuit of God's will, as God, who sees the heart, may not recognize them as genuine followers of Jesus. The withholding of the Holy Spirit becomes a possibility when true belief is lacking, emphasizing the need to genuinely believe in the truly human nature of Jesus and that he truly is the Son of God.
Baptism, in itself, proves ineffectual without this foundational belief. The true disciple is born not only from the act of baptism but from a prior, sincere persuasion of the truly human nature of Jesus as the Son of God: To hold steadfast to Jesus' teachings requires an authentic belief in his identity as the Son of God in human nature. Only through this genuine commitment can believers collectively receive the Holy Spirit, thereby enabling them to speak truthfully to each other in the actual truth of being as one unified body in Christ. Let us live this way in truth.