
Friday, 12 January 2024

The Fathers three levels of fatherhood

 The really good part of the gospel good news is the new level of fatherhood being undertaken by the Father, by God. The first to receive this is Jesus, the Lord. Then there will be a huge rollout by the Father and the Son. Millions will receive it. Ten thousand times ten thousand will receive it. This is not the same as unique fatherhood given only to Jesus, by Holy Spirit overshadowing of his mother, virgin maiden, hence virgin birth, which only Jesus Christ has received. Only begotten Son of God. Not this fatherhood, it is more again. Jesus living sinlessly, filled with God-given principles and faithful to them, that is another level of fatherhood God gave Jesus and gives to those who believe and hold to Jesus’ principles expressed in his teachings. That is another level of fatherhood but God has one more greater still which so far only Jesus has received. God raised Jesus to eternal immortality after Jesus obediently died on the cross. This was in the same vein as Jesus raising Lazarus, but Lazarus went on to die again, long ago. No Jesus never dies again, kept in eternal immortality by the power of God. This is fatherhood by God given at a new level to Jesus. Soon, perhaps only decades from now, at a time only the Father knows exactly, Jesus will raise millions, hundreds of millions. It is imbuing these with Fatherhood level three. Good news for those who follow Jesus today. For those who will be found worthy. Who hold to his teachings and do God’s will to the end. Come Lord Jesus.