
Monday, 22 January 2024

God knows those He knows

 It is gospel good news that some individuals are known by God. He draws attention to them at times. They might not be those we expect. It might not be the holy man of God everyone is queuing up to hear, but the quiet poet who is seldom seen openly, but who God knows to be a person of a loving heart. God saves the day for those known to Him. As Jesus Christ was growing up it was not even clear to his closest family that there was much special about him, but God knew him and he knew God. Later it all came to light but still many thought Jesus to be no big deal and they voted for his crucifixion. Even after God raised him back to life, on the third day, there were those who conspired to cover it up and many thought he was still dead, as many still think today. God knows those he knows.