
Friday, 5 January 2024

Explaining who Jesus is

 Imagining a great world leader, let’s say with a name like John Omni, and someone claiming to be truly close to this leader, having a social media channel, and calling their channel Son of Omni, with a view to educating people about John Omni as someone so close that they call themselves Son of Omni. Some might believe this channel is truly someone close to this world leader with direct personal knowledge. Maybe John Omni the leader might actually endorse this channel, shouting it out, and reveal that this actually is his son and the ideal person to speak for him. This is similar to how it has been with Jesus Christ, who always referred to himself as the Son, implying Son of God, Son of the God known to his hearers as Yahweh. He referred to this God as the Father, his Father but also father to his followers.  God even spoke from the sky by means of an angelic voice to say Jesus is indeed His Son. Note, it does not at all mean what some say, that Jesus IS God. He is next to God, so close to God the Father that he can speak very knowledgeably and authoritatively about God and represent us to God. This representing of us to God the Father is completed, supported totally adequately, by having done God’s will to sacrifice his body and blood on a cross to disperse away from us God’s wrath caused by our sins. To prove this is satisfactory to God, God raised him from the dead, making it certain and complete that Jesus is now both Lord and Christ over us all.