
Sunday, 7 January 2024

The one who was to come into the world

 Preexistence. Look at a firework, a sophisticated one. See the complex explosion of multiple colours in the air in a complex and glorious pattern. Yet this firework needed to first exist inside its tube and as a predetermined design in the thinking and expertise of the manufacturer. It preexisted. The manufacturer’s name was at stake in ensuring the assembly of the chemicals in the tube would result in the beautiful display and the exact timing would be right of the fuse and the order of explosions. The firework before being lit had to be what it had to be. When Christ was foretold by the Father it was all already determined how his name as Christ would excel all others given among men. Made known to angels and prophets, that name, reputation, existence of hunan excellence and salvation had power which affected Nature. He was always the one who would come into the world. When Jesus was conceived within the virgin maiden uniquely from the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit and then born a human, thus called the Son of God, it was a promised coming of the word of God. This God the Father sent him into the world, to save his people from their sins. The word became flesh and dwelt among men. The glory of the Father was made known in him, the beloved only begotten Son.