The gospel is heavenly good news sent by God the Father that Jesus, is His Son, and is the Christ He sent to open up a mediatorial way to God the Father Himself. Like a portal into the Highest One of heaven. To the actual throne of glory. The future reign of Jesus, the Christ, coming soon, will establish this connection more than ever, but to be worthy of ruling with him in that reign we must be worthy to be made immortal by him, which if we die before he returns, means worthy to be raised from the dead by him. For that we must have the spirit of his teachings and the Holy Spirit sent by God staying in fellowship with us, with each one of us and collectively with us. God the Father will give the Holy Spirit along with miracles to those who believe in His Son, who hold to his teachings and trust in his name of powerful authority. We call it all the kingdom of God and it is close to you right now. Reach out and enter by believing in the message and holding to it permanently. God does not have temporary children.