Jesus preached a gospel about the non-spiritual as well as the spiritual. Although he encouraged a mindset prioritising attainment of treasures in heaven, he also requires his subjects and servants to make profit out of worldly things on his behalf. He taught he will return and expect to see those he entrusted with worldly investment to turn it into worldly profit by trading up. Take what you can do, see what you can profit from it, then see if next time you can improve on that return, and improve again, and again, until you have plenty more than he gave you. Then there will be something to show for his investment when he returns. If you can do this with worldly wealtg entrusted to you, and you actually do this, faithfully doing better and better at it, so as to show a worldly return, you might then be entrusted with spiritual things and rewarded with worldly rule. Surprising he has this practical worldly gospel, besides the spiritual? Well this is his teaching. If you ignore such teachings because they are about worldly things, it will be charged against you as hypocrisy, where there is worldly benefit to be made but you lift not a finger to help. The worldly benefits can become a harvest for Lord Jesus to reap to share with the poor and needy. Then your worldly profitability can be counted as heavenly treasure too. He too will be turning worldly into heavenly as he does this. He practices what he preaches. So give it a try. What you can make in profit from your best efforts, try doing it next time with ten fold improvement, and again after that, and after that, for his sake. Be a profitable servant. Do not brush off such merit as worldly. It is the merit he looks for first from his servant. He can always switch it up for spiritual merit once you prove worthy. Eventually it can be shared with the poor so they benefit from this worldly wealth generation, and then you will be rich in heavenly treasure. Just don’t make a song and dance about that aspect, since you lose it if you turn it into social credit. Take care not to choose social credit over treasure in heaven.