It is among the tasks of angels to govern Nature. Since the angels even before 3000 BC had some among them who knew words spoken by God about the Christ coming and what the Christ would be and his name and reputation, they incorporated this knowledge into their governing of Nature. Now all of Nature is affected and undergirded by this powerful name and reputation known to these privileged angels for all these thousands of years since then. Those closest to God the Father were most privy to the secret knowledge the Father had shared by His word about this Son, this Christ. They shared their knowledge just enough to enable other angels to overcome obstacles to order in how Nature was governed. Of course, the news reached humans too. Some prophets knew very early on. Later prophets knew too, as the spirit of the truth of this Christ reached their privileged spirits and minds and they wrote prophecies down. By the time Christ did come in the flesh, born of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her months earlier, there were many angels able to fill the sky with praise about the coming of yhe Christ. There was one of the top angels privileged with the task of telling Mary and Joseph and others months earlier that this Christ was coming to them and would be born of Mary. Even today the angels minister and console us in our struggles to spread these truths, to snatch some from Satan, taking children from him and converting them to children of God. We can share with them our confidence in this Christ, Lord Jesus.