There is going to be a lake of fire and not everyone will escape it, as it will surely swallow even some who think themselves saved. So who will go into it? Liars. They go in. All kinds. Murderers. They go in. That obviously includes those contributing to genocide. Idolaters. In. But idolatry might mean those paid to be religious, if it is correct that this is the original meaning of the word used. Now it gets awkward. Pharmacists. It is a Greek word Pharmakoi meaning druggies and the makers and the purveyors of drugs, medicines, poisons of various kinds (historically including those used for abortions), combined with an element of swearing and invocation of spirits as with shamans, witchdoctors, etc, but the latter is not always obviously part of it. Unbelievers. Gigolos. Cowards or those living in dread. These go in. Worried? We need to be worried about the possibility of dying in the state of being someone like those in the above list. We need to be worried about facing the consequences. To be saved, we must believe in who Jesus really is, and hold to his teachings, and be set free from all such sinful ways. Dying in those ways means sharing in this second death too. God the Father says so. Jesus the Son, the Christ who was to come, says so. The Holy Spirit says amen. Rather than be worried, we need to see Jesus as the one sent by God to help. It is Jesus who is worried for us. He can set us free from being enslaved by these kinds of behaviour and he can save us from dying in these ways. Only if we believe he is the one, the Son, sent by God as the Christ, sent to save us from all of this. Then only if we hold to his teachings. Then we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.