God formed in His mind the Christ who came in the flesh, predetermining him from the beginning. If someone believes that God predetermined that the Christ would come in the flesh (hence Jesus Christ known today), then it must be that God determined what this Christ would be, in name, reputation, character, deeds, obedience to the Father, knowledge of the Father, virgin birth, crucifixion death for sins, resurrection, rule as sinless human judge over all, mediator with God the Father, Son of God the Father, Lord over the believers who are the household of God, Lord in his name’s mighty influence over Nature, eternal life liver, eternal life giver. All this was what God knew. God the Father determined it from the beginning. God determined all that this Christ would be. God decided it in His own thinking and therefore this spiritually all existed in His mind and had spiritual existence in Heaven from before Abraham was born, before 2000 BC. God predetermined it first of all. It was implicit in all His words. It was what He was aiming for in all His creating.