The gospel message in Revelation is in some ways unique among gospel themes in writings called scripture today. In it, Jesus continues the message he started in lessons recorded in the gospel scriptures which were those he started before his crucifixion and continued after his resurrection but before ascending to the Father. In Acts it is the Holy Spirit revelations which guided apostles Peter, Paul and others. In Revelation it is again directly Jesus himself, now ascended, who gives the gospel extended message given to him by the Father. Here are new themes, in some ways rejected by many churches since then, but taken more seriously following events of modern times such as the reestablishment of Israel, land and people, and the possibility of a new temple in Jerusalem and of world destruction catastrophes along the apocalyptic lines included in Revelation. So if we take the book more seriously and as actually predicting real future events leading up to and following on from the arrival of Jesus Christ on earth, we ought to take seriously the gospel it also preaches. We might baulk at some of it. There is going to be a lake of fire and not everyone will escape it, as it will surely swallow even some who think themselves saved. Liars. They go in. All kinds. Murderers. They go in. That obviously includes those contributing to genocide. Idolaters. In. But idolatry might mean those paid to be religious, if it is correct that this is the original meaning of the word used. Now it gets awkward. Pharmacists. It is a Greek word Pharmakoi meaning druggies, makers and purveyors of drugs, medicines, poisons of various kinds (historically including those used for abortions), combined with an element of swearing and invocation of spirits as with shamans, witchdoctors, etc, but the latter is not always obviously part of it. Unbelievers. Gigolos. Cowards or those living in dread. Have I missed any? We can take it at face value. This is what Jesus says and what the Father also says. They each say it in Revelation final chapters. The same list. It is a matter of dying in the state of being someone like this, then facing these consequences. To be saved, we must believe in who Jesus really is, and hold to his teachings, and be set free from all such sinful ways. Dying in those ways means sharing in this second death too. God the Father says so. Jesus the Son, the Christ who was to come, says so. The Holy Spirit says amen.