
Friday, 29 October 2021


 It is awesome that the Father of whom Jesus spoke, the One True God, as Jesus preached Him, is the Yahweh, (in KJV: the LORD,) in scriptures and the history of Israel and of the Israelites. For example, Matthew 15:31 reads: “The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.” Philosophical dogma tends to obscure this by forcing the focus away into the divinity attributed to Father and Son. That divinity is very important, but so is the realisation that the Father who reveals Himself as God, in the proper noun sense of God (One True God, Most High God, the individual person to whom Jesus prayed), is this God of Israel who was known as Yahweh, mentioned throughout scriptures as God, as Yahweh, as the LORD. Through the Son, this God created all things, on behalf of the Son, with the Son’s glorious name as authority over it all, driving it all. This God’s power when His Spirit overshadowed Mary, begat Jesus uniquely. Yet Jesus reminded us (Rev 22:9) that it is this God alone, not Jesus His servant and only-begotten Son, who is to be worshipped with the obsequious prostration reserved for the Most High God.