
Monday, 11 October 2021

Should the cross of Christ be the death of Science?

Really the materialistic philosophy on which Western Science depends is tied to a sinful desire to undermine traditional power structures of church and state by removing God from public knowledge, education, learning and technology. So Science has slipped away from free, rational learning into controlled idealogical politics. We all know that there is more to life. We are induced by the world around us into pretending that if scientists do not publish it, it is taboo to think it. Yes, that is an extreme way to look at it, since there is plenty of learning and factual knowledge which is not scientific (law, art, history, etcetera), but stereotypically science is taking centre stage in our politics and way of life, where we are supposed to stay on script by ‘following the science’. We see there are downsides to this. In the pandemic, countries traditionally advanced in Western scientific medicine came off the worst. Climate change is ignored despite the efforts to use Science to warn us of where we are heading, but wasn’t it Science that started off the industries which contributed to climate change? Science created oil technology which triggered an industrial revolution surge which exacerbated carbon emissions. Painkiller addiction is ravaging the more scientifically advanced societies. Technology is triggering a rise in depression. Behind it all is a long history of elitist technocratic priesthoods working closely with governments but both bewitching the powerful and being corrupted by them. So why bring the cross of Christ into this? The cross ends the dominion of sin, and eradicating God from our public repository of knowledge is sin. Sorcery-led drug use is sin. Science can be pure in the right hands. Merely devising practical tests and carrying them out in innocence is noble. Yet over the millennia the corruption has crept in such that sciences today are no longer innocent. There is real innocent purity of spirit-related phenomena out there around us and within us which reminds us that God is there too. We can learn better by including all this in our knowledge, learning to reject the bad and cling to the good. So the cross tells us to stop what is sinful and reach out and reach within to what is pure and what is true and what is spirit, free from the shackles of scientific philosophy of thinking. Put to death the system that is not fit for purpose and embrace the truth of spirit that is around us and within when we foster it. Go back to building our lives on spirit, throwing off the slavish tyranny of scientific materialism.