Unitarians work so hard and faithfully to discern in scriptures the errors of Trinitarians. Well done. But they then fail to apply scripture all the way in their doctrines regarding the Holy Spirit. Clinging to traditions of men rather than teachings of Heaven, just like Trinitarians do. Clearly the gospels teach that the Holy Spirit is just as much a distinct individual as Jesus Christ is. Ontological reductionism is a philosophy depending on human traditions, just as human and worldly as hypostasis. https://biblehub.com/text/luke/3-22.htm speaks of the Spirit as a dove descending but it separately says a voice out of heaven spoke. It clearly implies the spirit had settled on him (like John the Baptist had been told would happen) when the voice spoke from heaven, it does not imply at all that the voice came from the dove. It would have required a different sentence construction to say that the voice came from the Holy Spirit. The voice clearly came from Heaven as a separate, accompanying event to the Holy Spirit settling upon Jesus. Unless you have a preconception or loyalty to a denominational position which demands that you not be allowed to acknowledge the clear implication of the verse.