
Thursday, 7 October 2021

Fetal cells

So it’s true. No actual cells in the vaccine but to make these COVID 19 vaccines they grow eye cells from aborted fetuses and make them produce the vaccine. Awful wizardry. So immoral. Letting them inject it does kinda amount to collusion with that magic art stuff. Amoral Pharmakoi stuff. Revelation 21:8 sorcery. Facebook is preventing me adding more! I take back the nice things I wrote about Mark last night on his post. Come out and be separate, Mark, lest you share in their plagues! Sanitised sorcery, human sacrifice, canibalism. All the masses worldwide. Tax-sponsored. Government-led. Injecting the vaccine you are injecting PART of an aborted baby cell: The mRNA it has produced. Human sacrifice. Pharmakoi.