
Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Knowledge of God

Although I believe in being biblical and I believe that the Father alone is the One True God, one person, it is not only the scriptures that teach me this truth, it was God the Father Himself in a great revelatory dream. If I remember correctly the dream was around December 1994. God the Father proved to me that this dream was really Himself speaking, really the Father. “I am God” He said (and He demonstrated His love for people, including a believer, at my workplace by giving me a task which helped them). Later Jesus showed me Himself as the Son of God. Later the Holy Spirit sealed it all. I had asked in earnest to directly experience Father and Son and Holy Spirit, being Trinitarian at that time. I said to God I did not want to preach God, to build up God’s temple, without true knowledge of God: of the Father, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit. It was a complete surprise to me that only the Father said “I am God”. Then a prophecy came to me “Israel has sinned” showing me an eagle of mass surveillance over the people of God. God is not happy that His counsel is darkened by words without knowledge.