
Wednesday, 6 October 2021

The Software Developer

 So there’s this software developer who sees the school secretary of a local school so tied up with doing paperwork to pay bills for the school that when a little kid in the playground falls injuring their knee the secretary has no time to be nurse to put a plaster on the kids knee and offer comfort. So the developer uses knowledge gained in a previous office job to help develop a system to replace the invoice paperwork with a quick-to-use electronic invoice system. Now the secretary should have time to tend injuries and provide some much-needed care time. Now the local hospital system also uses the system for electronic invoices. So when a pandemic comes there are more time and resources to spend on providing care instead of doing paperwork. But the developer sees that the hospital is using that time and spare work capacity to send sick contagious elderly patients into care homes to free up beds and this results in care homes having the highest death rate in the world. What is more, the money saved on invoice processing is spent on drugs such as opiates that get patients addicted. Now the developer realises that probably that secretary needs to be given paperwork to tie up their time to prevent them interfering with the injured school children and leaving them worse off by using painkillers and inappropriate care because the country itself is sick with folly and over-reliance on drugs. So what can the developer do now? Crazy crazy world.