The idea of Evolution is that given enough time, lifeforms come about by natural events, requiring no supernatural interventions. It rests very much on how much time natural processes would need to bring about diversity of lifeforms we see today (alive today or found in geological records). Unfortunately for scientists compelled to endorse this idea of Evolution, most diversity took a fairly short time to appear. Well, hundreds of millions of years is what Evolutionists think were available to produce the species. Yet, in the geological record most species were produced in just a few of those millions of years. Something other than natural events seems to have been involved, if you allow yourself freedom to step back from the establishment dogma. Personally, the real issue I find with it all seems to be the sudden appearance in archaeological time of human complex buildings. Before, say, maybe five thousand BC and there are no major building projects. Human kinds of beings might have been incapable of attempting to build, say, a temple of stone or a well-designed city. Then suddenly we find humans building wonderfully asthetic structures such as the temple of Eridu. And they were doing so continuously till today. It looks like some event happened around 5000 BC which resulted in such an intelligence life-form. It does not make sense to think that would be a natural event in terms of what science defines as natural. The Genesis account does fit these facts better, I believe, than Evolution ideas of scientists.