
Sunday, 3 October 2021

Let us hold fast

 Being not the One True God, having the One True God over Him as His God, Jesus the Son of the One True God lives in obedience to God His Father. So should we who have Jesus as our Master and the Father as our God and our Father. Sinfully, foolishly, the believers who are to God His ‘Israel’ have forsaken the truth taught by Jesus and His New Testament apostles and have replaced this truth with the worldly philosophies of Neoplatonist pagans. Let us be the faithful who return to Jesus’ true teachings. He is lord and master of the house. Let us be His household, the household of the Father over which Jesus is appointed the Master, the Lord. Let us steadfastly hold to Jesus Christ’s teachings rather than teachings of mere worldly men. Jesus died for our sins and is resurrected by God forever. He is alive for those who hold fast to His teachngs, believing that He truly IS.