The cross and the raising of a representation upon a cross seems to be traceable back to Sumerian symbolism from 3000 BC, related to concepts of exorcism, healers, miracle workers, priests, and sacrifices for oracles. I suspect that when God told Moses to put a serpent on a pole and lift it up for all to look at, to cure those in the camp bitten by a plague of snakes, it was as a symbol of exorcism of the serpents from the camp and healing of their toxins. I suspect the symbolism was based on the ancient language and writing of Sumerians, which had spread to Egypt where the Israelites became acquainted with it. It would be common knowledge in the Near East and Middle East of the time. Still today we associate crosses and holding up a symbol outstretched with exorcism and overcoming evil. That is not a solely Christian concept but is simply folk knowledge passed down from early mankind. Yet sorcery did always bring with it trickery and the elitist tendency to take advantage of ordinary ignorant folk. Sorcerers were always notorious. Plus it was pseudo-religious. And sorcerers were fierce defenders of their reputations, even defying God in the process. Hence the Egyptian priests trying to outdo Moses and God. So God has sorcery on His 101 list. Sorcerers fighting for their reputations, trying to outdo each other was a theme seen in very ancient writings. One narrative from before biblical times tells of two sorcerers competing to be the first to divide a body of water so they could walk across on dry land. Of course the scriptures later told how God proved to be supreme in this department and in conferring excelling powers in this area upon His servants the prophets. No more so than Moses with the Red Sea. Then Jesus went one further when God gave Him power to walk unaided over a raging stormy sea. Always it is reputation, and God’s name comes out top. See how today the superpowers all competed to have the best vaccine against the pandemic. It is the same competition that has continued down the ages. God will not let sorcerers outdo His own name or negate His reputation as power worker and healer. Those who try might find themselves viewed by God as enemies. Big Pharma or little Pharma.