
Saturday, 23 October 2021


 The ancient Israelites left Egyptian slavery led by Moses and led supernaturally by the God over all gods. This God wanted their faithful adherence to His leadership and rule. He forbade the kinds of practices all nations through all history have used to get supernatural leadings. The Israelites were commanded to only listen to true prophets of God for their divine supernatural leadings, as a nation, not listening to those who practiced the common ways of getting supernatural leadings such as by trying to tune in to elemental spirits in various ways, ways we tend to call occultism today. The occultists throughout history have learned to infiltrate the people of God in disguise so they can secretly offer influence and counsel. The churches cultivated such counsellors even at top level in the institutions and government. This is unfaithfulness to God. Often ordinary people on fringes of church devotion have sneakily sought leadings and advice from occultists, often occultists who tone down their practices and claims to secret knowledge. In the 1600s in England and France there was a move to eradicate all such occult following by extreme means along the lines of Israelite laws. The occult went even more underground and survived by blending in and despiritualising. Alchemy became chemistry. Astrology became astronomy. Sorcery became medicine. This was normal strategy. The word ‘occult’ means hidden. Hidden by misdirection and craftiness.