When we dig deeper we find the truth of our own guilt but also we find our moral escape route - our redemption. Unfortunately the depths our society reaches are not depths of truth but depths of deparavity. Exploring the goal of ever greater profit finds ever greater temptation and ever greater reasons to stretch the boundaries of depravity. I probably am not alone in thinking that yet more shocking revelations of our society’s depravity are just around the corner. Depravity and moral indignation are crossing swords right now. When wars begin, the extent to which people will reach for more effective weapons is increased. If the weapons of society to fight moral indignation are weapons of the sorceries of Science, then there are more and more moral lines which will soon be crossed, because that is how Science tends to lead society. We need to watch - and pray we are not led into temptation in the next phase of this war. The Lord’s Prayer is a great prayer to pray right now. All the more as we see the day approaching.