Worried about ghosts and spirits of elementals this Halloween or even generally? No need. Science says it is all irrational. Science of our last three centuries says matter and energy are all there is. Spirit isn’t science domain so it doesn’t exist. The wisdom of the last three centuries keeps up the pseudo-religious mantra “There’s no such thing as ghosts!” The politicians and medics say they ‘follow the science’, so we are supposed to unquestioningly respond “So it must be true”. Funnily enough the very sciences that say all these were founded by the thought leaders of 1600s England and Ireland and France who were presiding over the Renaissance and Enlightenment which had seen the execution of witches. OK, so in France it didn’t stop there but they killed the aristocrats too. Rationalism took over but the last witch executed in England was in 1680s when Scientific Materialistic Rationalism was at its peak. The rise of Modern Science coexisted happily with the rise of Esotericism and Occult. Many were members of both. Coincidence? Unlikely. There was every reason for alchemists and medical sorcerers to want Science to be devoid of anything spiritual to provide a much needed escape route for these esotericists to take to avoid the witch trials. It worked. Everyone was under the spell of a new magic which told the convenient story that Science could restrict its interests to the material universe and eventually that story developed into convincing the establishment to deny that anything except the material is real. Nice story. Not true, but more convenient (for the rich thought leaders and politicians) than truth. It later even allowed the French to absolve themselves for killing the aristocracy and installing their Temple of Reason. Now we are supposed to only believe the materialist scientists and proclaim that “There’s no such thing as ghosts!” Yet the real cure for fearful service of elemental spirits is the cross of Christ which persuades us to turn from such service and instead serve the topmost God, the Father, the Only True God, who sent Jesus Christ the Lord.