Scripture warns that wheat and tares grow together, that sheep and goats will one day be separated, and that false brothers infiltrate the faith. Many claim to be "born again" and "Spirit-led," yet their lives show little evidence of what Jesus, Peter, Paul, and John actually taught about these terms. Rather than being truly transformed by Christ’s teachings, they often use these phrases to align with a group or movement, such as those that gained prominence in the late twentieth century. But Scripture makes it clear: people are known by their fruits.
If someone is truly led by the Spirit, their life will bear the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Yet, too often, those who loudly claim to be Spirit-led exhibit instead the works of the flesh: selfish ambition, division, envy, and indifference toward those in need. In contrast, those who quietly care for the sick, provide for the poor, and act with genuine compassion may not make bold claims about their spiritual status, yet their actions reveal a faith that is real. When they listen to good gospel teaching and preaching, they are quietly persuaded by it and therefore put it into practice. They do not merely adopt a label—they simply hear the truth, believe it, and live it out because they are truly convinced by it. And it is to such people that God gives His Holy Spirit, manifesting His presence in their lives in many ways, according to His will.