
Tuesday, 4 February 2025


 How can people truly draw near to Jesus and receive a foretaste of what He will reveal when He comes? It is not merely through prayer or meditation, but by actively holding to His teachings, placing their faith in Him, and obeying His commands. Jesus Himself promised that those who love Him and keep His words will experience His presence in a real and supernatural way: "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them" (John 14:21). This is more than just intellectual belief—it is a living relationship where Christ makes Himself known to those who follow Him in faith and obedience. As people surrender to His will, rejecting compromise and worldly influences, He responds by revealing more of Himself, His truth, and His kingdom. Through this process, they begin to experience the foretaste of what He will fully reveal when He returns, seeing beyond human traditions into the reality of God’s plan. Those who truly seek Him in this way do not rely on secondhand knowledge but receive firsthand revelation, encountering the living Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.