There is a very special and sacred commitment to living a sin-free life which comes from faith in God’s provision through Christ’s work on the cross and His resurrection. It starts with hearing the gospel message. This message, when believed, brings a belief that inspires hope—hope that God has done everything necessary to make achieving this objective successful. Foreseeing our commitment to it in faith, He has already committed to helping us, to enable the ultimate success.
The message that Christ died for each person sets things in motion, motivating them to live a renewed life. It sums up God’s role in the process and His commitment to seeing it through, so that the person, in turn, can pursue it with confidence in ultimate success through the Father and His Son, the Christ.
This commitment then leads to becoming united with others who share the same faith and, together, unity with the living, resurrected Christ. The united is especially manifested in the Lord’s Supper, remembering the cross of Christ in the bread and wine. In this unity, they become part of His body. This body forms a holy temple for the honor of God, who sent Christ for this purpose—to unite people in ultimately wrong-free lives, reborn through the Spirit by the Father.