
Sunday, 9 February 2025

Costly Revelations

 “The Holy Spirit’s revelation that trees grow and planets orbit by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ is a profound truth confirmed by Scripture. It means that the entire natural order is under the dominion of Christ, and everything continues to exist because of His sustaining power. This truth should lead us to a deeper reverence for Jesus, acknowledging Him as the King and Sustainer of all things.” This is an AI comment about a message given in a Pentecostal assembly by a leader speaking in tongues and then interpreting what he had said by the Holy Spirit. I personally witnessed it and I received the exact same interpretation, proving, to me at least, the utter veracity of the prophetic message.  

But… there is a problem. See, the Pentecostals do not accept a message of revelation about God or His Son if it reveals what Bible scriptures do not say. There are scriptures which say very similar things… BUT they are non-canonical according to the Protestant Bible canon. It must have put a strain on the leader who gave this message. In tongues you cannot determine what is said. The interpretation, if true and authentic, simply states in your native language what the tongues said supernaturally. It is for the Holy Spirit to reveal what the Holy Spirit wills to reveal, in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. And Jesus is not a Protestant! So Jesus believes scriptures outside of the canon known to Protestants. Awkward if you want to stay acceptable to Protestants. Possibly in this case it is more than awkward if your job is a church leader paid by the assembly and subject to its denominational authorities. 

Really this makes the message all the more important and weighty, because it was costly for it to be revealed. The Lord must truly want it known.

The message: Consider the trees. They put forth buds and leaves. They do so by the authority power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Consider the planets. They orbit their stars. They do so by the authority power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Book of Revelation was such a message. It came as a shock to those who had already formed strong opinions about revelations and the gospel. Over the subsequent centuries it was disregarded by many churches, even banned by some. The first ‘bible’ excluded it. In some cases you might be called a heretic for reading it. Eventually most churches did come to include it in their canonical bibles, but still many believers find it hard to believe. Huge differences exist in interpretations of it. Some churches ban from ministry those who do not align with their interpretations of it. Yet this all goes to  show how important and weighty it is. The Lord Jesus must have foreseen this trouble which would come of it, yet he still passed it all on to John. 

The Lord Jesus Christ’s truth is costly. It is a pearl of great price.