
Sunday, 2 February 2025

Kingdoms in the next four decades

 Revelation 11:15 declares that "the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever," signifying Christ's ultimate rule over all earthly powers at His return. A futurist perspective understands this to mean that the kingdoms existing at that time—including those prophesied in Revelation and Daniel—must be among those that Christ subjugates. These include the ten horns (Revelation 17:12), symbolizing ten kings who will receive power for a short time with the Beast, as well as the little horn (Daniel 7:8), representing a ruler who will rise from among them. The Beast itself (Revelation 13:2) is described as a composite of a lion, a bear, and a leopard, linking it to the ancient empires in Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7:4-6) and suggesting a revived coalition of regional powers. Other kingdoms mentioned in Revelation, such as the final great city called Babylon (Revelation 18:10), will also be present at Christ’s return. Since Revelation 19:19-21 describes these kings and their armies being defeated by Christ, it is clear that they are among "the kingdoms of this world" that will be overthrown and absorbed into His eternal dominion, bringing the fulfillment of Revelation 11:15. (Stephen D Green with ChatGPT)