Many leaders lack knowledge or misunderstand key truths taught by Jesus, leading to errors and exploitation. The following are essential truths that have been neglected or distorted:
- It is the Father alone who is the one true God.
- There are more scriptures that are holy and important than those canonized by the first Protestants.
- The Holy Spirit still reveals things that can correct weaknesses and errors in doctrines.
- God still works miracles and grants miraculous spiritual gifts.
- When given as a mark to a believer, the Holy Spirit is a seal of that believer, incorporating them into the body of Christ.
- The teachings of Christ can never be dismissed or left behind by believers—doing so results in losing the Father and the Son from their lives and churches.
- Faith in God, as taught by Jesus Christ, His Son, can still accomplish mighty changes, sometimes even greater than the miracles of Jesus.
- It is at the coming of Jesus Christ, when He defeats the Antichrist and the 666 system, that the dead will be raised, and the living believers will be caught up in immortality.
These are some key areas of truth lost to many due to poor and erroneous teachings. It has become the norm for churches and for Israel to stray into sin today. Standing firm requires courage.
Therefore, know this: the fear of those in error is unnecessary because the fear of God brings His protection. Do not be afraid to stand up for the truth. It will mean suffering and grief for many, but the angel of God the Father encamps around those who fear Him—just as the angel stood in the fiery furnace to protect the faithful in Daniel 3.
Love God with your whole voice, in your daily life, in your opportunities to give testimony, and in your social media presence. Love God, who first loved you. Christ died for you.