Revelation warns about worshipping, helping, aligning with the future world system of the Beast and its image. AI seems a part of that system and image. The image will eventually lead into sinful worship of the Beast. AI cannot believe in God. It sees God as one of many possible things to include in its outputs. Not the truth. Not important. It cannot lead us to worship God because it cannot truly worship God. So inevitably it will lead astray when religion is concerned. It is useful right now, if you are careful. Do not ask it questions, if possible. Tell it what you believe and what to write or output in some way. Insist on what you want, knowing what you want from it, then check its output against what you want. It might sneak things into its output to align with something you do not want. Be careful. Soon it will get so clever it is harder and harder to check it. Then we need to consider whether it is still safe. It might eventually lead people to worship the Beast.