
Thursday, 27 February 2025

Behold the Lamb of God

 Exploring the way of a son of the Father, God. Jesus had it all going for him, since the Father, the one true God Himself, held nothing back from him. The miracles show this fatherly love of God for him. Jesus wanted to feed five thousand of his hearers at once, out in the middle of nowhere: No problem. Jesus wanted to walk on water in a storm: No problem. Jesus wanted to raise his close friend from the dead: No problem. His Father provided it for him. Yet despite all this, Jesus let his own life lessons be lessons from what he suffered. He even let his service for his Father, his God, be as a sacrificial lamb. In the Book of Revelation we see the Lamb there on his Father’s throne at the end of all things. Till eternity to come he will be the same. We do well to learn from and follow his path.