
Friday, 14 February 2025

God’s Light

 From the very beginning, before the world was formed, there was One who was with God and who came from God. Through Him, everything that exists was brought into being. He was the source of life itself, the light that shines in the darkness—a light that can never be overcome.

This light was not distant; it came into the world, offering itself freely to all. Yet many did not recognize it. They chose to remain in darkness, unaware of the life that was reaching out to them. But to those who received Him, those who embraced the truth, He gave a new identity—not defined by ancestry, human effort, or personal striving, but by God Himself. He invited them into a new way of being, making them part of something eternal.

In a great act of love, this life and light took on flesh and walked among us. He was not a distant idea, but a presence we could see and touch. Those who encountered Him witnessed something unlike anything in this world—glory, grace, and truth beyond human measure. Through Him, an endless outpouring of grace was given, a gift that could not be earned, only received.

Though no one has ever fully seen or grasped the fullness of God, this One made Him known. He revealed what could not be understood otherwise. And when He came, a sign was given—the Spirit of God rested upon Him, not as a fleeting moment, but as a permanent reality. And through Him, this same Spirit was given to others, not in part, but in fullness.

This is the mystery of God’s work in the world: the Eternal One revealing Himself, the unseen made known, the life of God made present among us. He calls each of us to step out of the shadows, to receive His life, and to walk in the light. This is not a truth to simply believe with the mind but a reality to step into. To those who welcome it, everything changes. The life of God does not remain apart from them but dwells within them, leading them into something greater than they could ever imagine.

So come, receive the life that has been given. Walk in the light that cannot be overcome. Let the presence of God, revealed through His chosen One, be your guide, your strength, and your hope. For in Him is life itself, and that life is given freely to all who will receive it.