Most of the New Testament writings were not dictated by Jesus word for word — not like the letters to the churches, as we find them in the Book of Revelation. Paul admitted that some of his written words in his epistles were his own, not Christ’s. He had God-given wisdom to write his own thoughts plus those given him by the Holy Spirit and Jesus. The Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ did reveal some things directly to Paul, yes, and Paul passed them own with wisdom and discretion given him by God, but revelations are something usually planted into the mind in concept form which the recipient then uses their mind to phrase as words to pass on to others using their own way of wording things. Revelation’s letters from Jesus were literally dictated to John to write down word for word, though. That is unusual. It is like Jeremiah dictating prophecy word for word to his scribe who then wrote them word for word in the book of Jeremiah. Effectively Jesus wrote those letters himself, but not with his own hand, with John’s. It is the nearest thing we have to anything personally written by Jesus Christ - moreover, from Jesus risen from the dead.