Taking care of people is a principle part of what God The Father does. He wants people to do the same and teaches it. He especially watches out for those who believe and have received the Holy Spirit and manifest the Holy Spirit in spiritually gifted ways. He watches that they are gotten out of difficult or unfortunate situations. He teaches this is what He wants done. Learning this behaviour by watching what God does and doing it was first practised by Lord Jesus Christ. It is what He then teaches others to do in immitation of God The Father. Learning it by watching Jesus do it was what the first Apostles did. Jesus told Peter after Jesus rose from the dead to look after and take care of the followers of Jesus. When Peter did this it must have been imitated by disciples who observed it as they listened to and followed Peter's preaching and teaching of God's counsel. The influence spreads. Just as God The Father still does this today, so does Jesus. He still imitates His God-and-Father's actions with the immense power God has now given Him and He does it gloriously. He illuminates us with it, showing forth the care of God, especially getting His followers out of bad situations with almighty faith in God. Nothing is beyond His power in this. Ever alive to do it too. Yet now Jesus has returned to the Father who sent Him: Not very far away for someone so almighty but out of sight and in the presence of God and gloriously divine like God. So He still visits followers at special times but is not usually seen with the eye (exceptions have happened though) but in His place He gives the Holy Spirit from before the throne of glory who brings the same power and authority and care of God and Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit shows delightful care and absolute ability to watch out for the believer to get them out of problems and look after their needs. He is not seen with the eye usually but shows it is Him by the words and powers and miracles and other spiritual gifts He gives when He visits in His caring way; God's way. He will always be around to watch out to see who fears God and believes what God says and teaches. He brings help and comfort to such people and delivers from tricky situations constantly all around the world wherever people are. Never will He leave the followers of Jesus as orphans. He certainly cares. Jesus promised that when He returns, far sooner now than when He said it, He will be as all pervading in His coming around the world as lightning is when it fills the sky with light. His care will be as far reaching then as lighting is across the heavens. The awakened sleeping saints martyred in all history will be with Him. The lion will lie down with the lamb in all the places His care is extended. This time of the Spirit now is but a foretaste of that time to come - soon.