
Sunday, 8 May 2016

Small Beginnings

Do not despise small beginnings. Lord Jesus stood alone on a lakeside shore after His greatest achievement and saw the fruits of His most momentous achievement of all time as a small group of fishermen were out on the lake in a boat. His work of agony and solid obedience unto death on the cross was done and now God had raised Him from the dead. Those fishermen were a small group who had believed in His position as Christ and were together that night before catching nothing. Now He saw them His first beginnings as the tiniest following but certain to grow and little did they know what they were to receive because of Him. He now showed the sign of the living power available to them in Him now that He was victorious over temptation and even death. Did they have any fish from  a night of fishing? No. Just put the nets on the side He told them to put them and obedience would reap reward showing it was Him they were obeying. When they caught so many they knew it was Him. Then they found He had fish cooking for their breakfast already and friendship and fellowship with Him was set before them as they ate what He had cooked. God with them in Christ Jesus The Lord.

The Lord is the same today and forever.