It seems from the Gospel of John that Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, took special care to ensure the Holy Spirit would be sent to people believing in Jesus. The Holy Spirit makes dreams into special private lessons when He comes and gives us one-to-one counsel from God through the living Jesus. Maybe this one-to-one capability of spirit to spirit is much more effective than one-to-many instruction Jesus would have given believers if He had stayed among the people after His resurrection. The possibilities of receiving each one direct revelations of God from the sevenfold Holy Spirit (literally seven Spirits, described in 'Revelation' in scripture) are such that many many people can have comfort of being led by Him and be children of God. His leadings are not just through dreams and visions but in spiritual gifts shared in church services and outside church services like powers similar to the concept fictionalised in comics and prophecies and acts of inspired mercy and angelic utterances and their translation into intelligible words. All the Holy Spirit's work in humans who believe what God says.