There is a duty of every created human who has their Creator as their one true God to love Him with their voice as well as with all their heart and soul and mind. Love towards your Creator needs to reach the voice you have. Voting for leadership choices and in referendums and the like might be part of that voice you have. I believe it is a command of God to let that love you have and ought to have for Him as your God influence your voting and any other voice you have so that His will is more likely to be done on earth as it is where He resides and reigns. His judgments can be turned aside and tragic disasters averted by allowing His will to influence politics by people who love Him using their voice and voting rights to bring about His will with leaders appointed and referendas decided according to the love people have for their one true God. This is all the more so if people know and rightly discern God's will in who to appoint or what referendum decision to make. A sign of all this is found in the existence of that eye in the sky, mass surveillance in all its forms (Hosea chapter 8 and modern prophecy too).