
Saturday, 14 May 2016

Never Forget

It is good to take time out to remember the mighty thing Jesus did when coming from heavenly home of His Throne and His Father and taking up the mission to die in saving humanity. The circumstances of the thing He did are complex but as simply understood amounts to guilt of centuries of multitudes of lives through time resulting in ammassed liability for great judgment and the need for a substitute sacrifice of the purest kind and Jesus alone being worthy and doing what He did in ancient Roman times in Jerusalem. It is such a worthy action that it is all the justification God needed for putting His Son once He had raised Him back to life to reign on His own most glorious Throne. The shedding of Christ's blood is the greatest invocation we can make in interceding for humanity to God and only this plea it seems can turn aside God's most awful wrath when terrible situations arise because of masses committing atrocities over years of abuse and greedy power struggle. We get pretty bad sometimes - this human race - and then the balance goes from bad activity on man's part to awful retribution on God's part and simetimes back and forth like that worse and worse till the whole world gets to be at risk. Then we so need to be able to invoke a mighty good to counter the mighty bad and the blood Jesus Christ The Lord has wondrously shed is all there is to count in the pure and perfect eyes of God The Father. It took a great big blessed act of love to bring about this grace in history that counts for all time. How awful if any sin against it and ignorantly or unbelievingly set it at nought. How much worse if after knowing better, still a person gets to despise it by neglecting the benefits of taking in the ministry of the Holy Spirit who encourages us to hold high the cross and never forget what Christ Jesus did.