In Bristol, UK, where I live, we have two mayors, one elected by the people of Bristol and the other elected by the City Council each year. What gets me thinking is that the mayor elected by the council is called The Lord Mayor. In the case of much more heavenly things it occurs to me there might be something to derive about God and The Christ. The God who Jesus Christ calls The Father is always referred to in scripture of the New Testament from around Jesus' time on Earth "The God". In English it is translated "God" but in the language of those scriptures, Koine Greek, it is "The God" which means The Father, whereas "God" can sometimes mean divinity or anyone divine and not just The Father, The God. Now Jesus Christ, on the other hand is always referred to, including, by allusion, by Jesus Himself, as The Lord. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is called The Lord too but usually it is Jesus who is entitled "The Lord" and "Christ". It is worth considering that He too is Lord by election by the top authority. In His case The Father has elected Him as The Lord.
In the Book of Enoch, "The Son of Man" clearly seems to me to be a title and reference to the Christ, Jesus, before He came in the flesh born of Mary by her overshadowing as a virgin mother by the Holy Spirit. In these scriptures which precede the Old Testament scriptures there is clear indication that God The Father (entitled in those scriptures as The Lord of Spirits in translation into English) has elected or chosen or designated the Son of God who is called usually the Son of Man to be regarded as the Elect Righteous One. So God sets Him above all others. So the dedignation The Lord indicates perhaps that He is the One supremely elected by God The Father.
In the Book of Enoch, "The Son of Man" clearly seems to me to be a title and reference to the Christ, Jesus, before He came in the flesh born of Mary by her overshadowing as a virgin mother by the Holy Spirit. In these scriptures which precede the Old Testament scriptures there is clear indication that God The Father (entitled in those scriptures as The Lord of Spirits in translation into English) has elected or chosen or designated the Son of God who is called usually the Son of Man to be regarded as the Elect Righteous One. So God sets Him above all others. So the dedignation The Lord indicates perhaps that He is the One supremely elected by God The Father.