Everything taught and preached by Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, comes from God The Father, the One True God who does not ever lie. So the word God speaks and the testimony Jesus gives of it must be truthful and lies are abhorrant to God and The Son of God and The Spirit of God. So exciting and astonishing is the teaching and word from God in truth that anything in nature is subject to command and to the authority of God such that if God stands by a command given to something in nature - trees, mountains, beasts even - He, God, will ensure by His supreme power over the natural world that the thing commanded in good faith and unwavering certainty and singlemindedness will come to pass. So a storm can be commanded to stop and if done with undoubting faith in God it will stop. It will stop in good prompt time too the way I have witnessed. An animal can be commanded and will obey if God's power is without doubting imvoked in the command. A battle can be won. A goal scored. Victory ensured. If there is no doubt and the faith is true. Be wary lest it be subject to temptation to vanity though as it is not overlooked if you take God's name in vain. But when it is for the glory of God or salvation of the situation rightly in His name in good faith even the dead can rise.