My conclusion to my previous post ( is that Jesus Christ is and for all of time been the one who was there with God the Creator Father as a son with a father by whose name nature has been obeying God doing His will in all natural lifecycles and planetary movements and stellar processes since they came into existence with God involving His beloved Son in all His creating and ruling from His glorious Throne. So He, Jesus, is Lord now He is risen but was with God reigning over all things and all angelic spirits since the very beginning. This was known by this prophet Enoch (it seems from archaeology the contemporaries or later decendants of Enoch called him Enmenduranna, meaning 'ruler between earth and heaven') who wrote about this Jesus so long before Jesus was born a flesh and blood baby knowing Him in His ancient times preincarnate form as the Son of Man who went always with God the Lord of Spirits. So Jesus knowingly invoked this truth known since ancient times when He introduced Himself and taught of His divine mission and purpose as the Son of Man who had come to die at the hands of evil men and rise from the dead.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Nothing New - Conclusion
My conclusion to my previous post ( is that Jesus Christ is and for all of time been the one who was there with God the Creator Father as a son with a father by whose name nature has been obeying God doing His will in all natural lifecycles and planetary movements and stellar processes since they came into existence with God involving His beloved Son in all His creating and ruling from His glorious Throne. So He, Jesus, is Lord now He is risen but was with God reigning over all things and all angelic spirits since the very beginning. This was known by this prophet Enoch (it seems from archaeology the contemporaries or later decendants of Enoch called him Enmenduranna, meaning 'ruler between earth and heaven') who wrote about this Jesus so long before Jesus was born a flesh and blood baby knowing Him in His ancient times preincarnate form as the Son of Man who went always with God the Lord of Spirits. So Jesus knowingly invoked this truth known since ancient times when He introduced Himself and taught of His divine mission and purpose as the Son of Man who had come to die at the hands of evil men and rise from the dead.